CORE expanded
HEART crack opened
POWER expressed
I'm designed to see who you are at your core and to free your power into the world so that, as you express your gifts, you gain your autonomy, your time and your freedom.
I’ve spent my whole life observing, meditating, studying, researching, listening, guiding and transforming lives.
I’ve never worked a standard nine-to-five job.
I created and crafted my career from the core of who I am.
Be sure you’re ready to master who you truly are before you apply to work with me.
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The new step towards your personal power like you never experienced it.

Connected to your core, connected to the whole,
Let’s remember the gift that you are and share it with the world.
Live, love, express yourself and expand from a place of empowering peace through aligned inspired actions.
« Just had  a MAGICAL session with @vanessa__engels…
I decided to invite her to come teach her magic into Manifestationbabe Academy… and she said YES!
I can’t wait to have her share with you what she showed me. »
Kathrin ZenkinaÂ